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Ahmed Saad
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Ahmed Saad
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 انفراد لعبه الاطفال الجميله الغنيه عن التعريف Pony World Deluxe بحجم 20 ميجا فقط

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عدد المساهمات : 5
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2010

انفراد لعبه الاطفال الجميله الغنيه عن التعريف Pony World Deluxe بحجم 20 ميجا فقط Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: انفراد لعبه الاطفال الجميله الغنيه عن التعريف Pony World Deluxe بحجم 20 ميجا فقط   انفراد لعبه الاطفال الجميله الغنيه عن التعريف Pony World Deluxe بحجم 20 ميجا فقط Emptyالإثنين أبريل 05, 2010 3:06 pm

Pony World Deluxe

انفراد لعبه الاطفال الجميله الغنيه عن التعريف Pony World Deluxe بحجم 20 ميجا فقط 92122738085125125007

World is filled with the fun and adventures of a lovely pony you choose
and control yourself. You are the one who decides whether that pony
leads a peaceful life with his family, taking care of his wife and
children, or whether he devotes to working, farming or having fun.

The game also gives you the chance to try many additional minigames
such as the beauty contest, races or exciting memory games. Money
gained by your pony will allow you to extend and decorate your farm.
You can plant evergreen trees and fruit ones that will supply you with
food, beautiful fountains and colorful umbrellas as well as decorative
stones, flowers, bushes and plenty of different and fascinating
scenery. What's more, if you have a desire for trading you can develop
your farm for profitable agriculture. Or you can just enjoy your life
with visits to the disco or theatre every day, launch fireworks on the
farm or play football and hopscotch. The wide variety of choices and
developments will give you plenty of entertainment.
* When you enter the Pony World: think about your pony's career and
decide on his job as a hospital manager, juggler or a magician
* turn the farm into the most beautiful dreamland or create a beneficial business from growing fruit and crops
* participate in beauty contests, races and memory games
* take care of your pony's needs: keep him clean, fed and happy
* meet other ponies in parks and develop your network of contacts
* invite other ponies to the restaurant, coffee house or theatre - it might be the start of a love story
* get married and start a family
* go to the forest and pick mushrooms, or maybe some berries?
* care about the look of the pony - change his hairstyle, hair color, tail and even give him a tattoo
* let your pony play ball, hopscotch and admire the fireworks
* the daily newspaper will give you news from the ponies' town, the weather forecast, theatre plays and job offers

انفراد لعبه الاطفال الجميله الغنيه عن التعريف Pony World Deluxe بحجم 20 ميجا فقط 2ikb3811

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انفراد لعبه الاطفال الجميله الغنيه عن التعريف Pony World Deluxe بحجم 20 ميجا فقط
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